Do you have product categories? Where can I find them?
You can view all our product categories by clicking on the ‘All categories’ drop down on the top left corner of the page.
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Product Review Guidelines
What are Product Reviews? Product reviews help customers learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them. All product reviews must follow our Community Guidelines and Product specific guidelines. By using our ratings ...
How do I see product specifications?
Search for the product of your interest and click on it to view the product page. Scroll down the page to find the ‘Specification’ tab or click on the floating “Specification” button to view all the product specifications.
How do I see product reviews?
Search for the product of your interest and click on it to view the product page. Scroll down the page to find the ‘Reviews’ tab or click on the floating “Reviews” button to view all buyer reviews for the related product.
Does my product include installation?
Installation related details are available on the product page as tags or as part of the shipping fee details. Additional shipping charges for such products include installation service.
Why are there different prices for the same product ?
The same product can be sold by different sellers. Sellers can list their offer against a product while keeping the price competitive. For example: One seller might sell an item at AED 100, 100 SAR or 100 EGP, while another would sell it at AED 110, ...