Multiple Shipments: If your order contains multiple items, they may arrive in separate shipments with distinct delivery dates and tracking details. For further details, refer to our article on this topic here.
Notifications: Stay informed throughout the delivery process with notifications sent via email, SMS, and our app.
Tracking Status:
- Processing: Your items are undergoing review. Expect a call if additional verification is required.
- Confirmed: Items are being packed for delivery, with a commitment to on-time delivery. Look out for an order confirmation email.
- Packed: Items have been packed and are ready for handover to our delivery partner. You can manage shipment cancellation or rescheduling from the Orders tab.
- Dispatched: Your items are with our delivery partner. For third-party deliveries, use the TRACK SHIPMENT button for detailed information. For noon express deliveries, expect SMS updates.
- Out for Delivery: Your shipment is en route from our hub/warehouse to your location. You may need a delivery code for high-value items.
- Pending Pick Up: For locker and pick-up point deliveries, you have a 5-day window to collect your order. Find the locker code, Google Maps link, and QR code on the Orders tab.